Soul Mates
A soul mate is a member of your soul group with whom your soul energetically resonates. We have all met people with whom we intuitively resonate as soon as we meet. There seems to be a deep connection with the person that is hard to define.
I have met different members of my soul group throughout my life and with each person I have experienced visual response and tingling in my body that I couldn’t explain. From the very first meeting we both experienced an immediate connection and bond, an uncanny feeling and it hasn’t changed in all the time we have known each other.
Each has led me to investigate to revisit a past life. Through these experiences, I found where our connections have begun.
Your Soul Group
Soul Groups are people who are members of the same spiritual family as you and because of that share an intensely strong bond that transcends time and space. A member of your soul group is sharing the same frequency or vibration as you and this deep connection is often felt immediately upon meeting.
These souls have incarnated together over many, many lifetimes.
Often through past life regression or the life between life sessions, my clients have been able to recognise different people in different lifetimes as current partners, siblings, and children in this lifetimes, and recognise they are a part of their soul group.
The energy between soul members of soul groups tends to overlap and sometimes can even enable each other to share thoughts, feelings, and even dreams.
A soul group can be described as being comprised of Souls that are cut from the same “energetic cloth”.
I have worked with many families over the years, but one family in particular stands out to me as being cut from the same energetic cloth. They have a very close bond and have a loving connection that has transcended all of their life’s struggles.
Soul Groups Names
Soul group connections can have many titles – soul friends, soul mates, kindred spirits and some even referred to as twin flames. The specific name we choose doesn’t matter as much as understanding that they share the same energetic frequency. All aligned to support each other in this time line or lifetime.
Through past life regression clients have been about discover what these unique functions and purposes are. They may begin to understand that they are still working through karma or are working together to support each other.
How to recognise a member of a soul group
A person you feel you’ve known “forever,” even if you’ve just met them?
A person you immediately connect with, without knowing why?
Sometimes knowing what the other person is going to say before they have said anything.
For no apparent reason, the person will stand out to you. You’ll be immediately drawn to them and their energy. Even if you lose touch with them, whenever you speak or catch up it will be like you have never been apart.
You will feel as if you are on the same page share similar thoughts and insights, and often values.
They will seem so familiar as if you recognise them, even when you first meet. You might get a sisterly or brotherly feeling from each other. Deep down, your connection feels timeless, that you have met a long-lost friend. familiarity. You might have a motherly instinct towards them or feel tingling through the body that is difficult to understand or explain.
Whenever you spend time with a member of your soul tribe, you’ll feel energetically uplifted rather than drained.
Time seems insignificant when you speak with someone from your soul group. You enjoy talking with them so much that time seems to fly by.
You can often share the same themes or patterns in your life, such as abandonment, abuse, isolation, and other struggles will be shared between you and your Soul Family. Each life theme will be used as a basis for growth, advice, and mutual support.
Some people in life seem to weigh heavily on your Spirit—your Soul Group is the opposite. Members of your soul tribe will always make you feel seen, understood, loved, and uplifted.
There is no need to hide, fake or pretend around your Soul Group. Your Soul Group honours and celebrates the “authentic” you both on a personality level and a Soul level.
Past Life, Regression – QHHT session
If you are curious if you have met someone from your soul group, a past life regression session could help you gain that understanding.
For more information call Donna on 0424 300 678 or email me if you would like to make a booking. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
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